Casco Bay News

News this week is about shorebirds, Green Crabs, climate change, fluoride, our changing bay,  and land conservation by Portland Trails (which CBEP helped acquire!). Click on the title of this post (Casco Bay News Roundup) to access links to the stories.

August 20

High fluoride levels found in some private wells in Maine (Portland Press Herald)

Portland Trails acquires ‘surprising getaway’ in Falmouth (The Forecaster)

Climate Change Aggravates Population of Problematic Bugs: ‘Ticked Off’ Report (MaineNewsOnline)

Groundbreaking bird study under way in southern Maine (Seacoast Online)

August 21

Even in retreat, green crabs confound Maine shellfish industry (The Forecaster)

August 26

Maine Scientists Launch Long-Term Study of Marine Life in Casco Bay (MPBN)


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