Casco Bay News

News this week is about ocean acidification, fisheries, Maine’s dam laws, elvers, puffins, and a rare lobster caught in Maine! Click on the title of this post (Casco Bay News Roundup) to access links to the stories.

July 30

Fishing Towns to be adversely impacted by Ocean Acidification (Maine News)

July 31

Public input enhanced in Maine’s new dam law (Portland Press Herald)

August 1

State Commission learns of threat from ocean acidification (WCHS 6)

Very Rare Calico Lobster Caught in Maine (National Geographic)

August 2

Gulf of Maine’s cod stock falling, study says (The Boston Globe)

August 5

Glass Eel Gold Rush Casts Maine Fishermen against Scientist (Scientific American)

Scientists ask bird oglers to help study puffins (Boston Herald)



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