Habitat Protection Fund
The application period is open for the Spring 2025 Habitat Protection Fund!
Here is the 2025 Request for Proposals.
Here is the fillable application form.
Here is the Spring 2025 Budget Spreadsheet.
For more information, or if you would like to run proposal ideas by staff, contact Natalie at
Tax parcel lot/map information due 3/28/25.
Final applications due 5/2/25.
Casco Bay Estuary Partnership, in partnership with Maine Coast Heritage Trust, Maine Dept. of Inland
Fisheries & Wildlife, and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Gulf of Maine Coastal Program, requests proposals
for the Spring 2025 Casco Bay Habitat Protection Fund.
The Fund supports permanent protection of
parcels in the Casco Bay watershed that are integral to aquatic ecosystems and secure and expand
public access to water resources and open space.
Community Grants Program
The application period is open for Spring 2025 Community Grants!
Here is the 2025 Request for Proposals.
Here is the fillable application form. (We have fixed this form, which some had issues with, 3/25/25.)
If you are still having issues with the fillable form, you can copy the required information and format your proposal in a Word document.
For more information, or if you would like to run proposal ideas by staff, contact Victoria at
Deadline: Friday, April 4, 2025, 5:00pm.
CBEP’s Community Grants program encourages new partnerships and innovative projects that engage communities with Casco Bay and its watershed. Successful proposals will incorporate at least one of the elements from the Casco Bay Plan. Proposals are welcome from educators, land trusts and other non-profit organizations, especially in partnership with civic groups, municipal committees, churches, clubs, school groups and neighborhood associations.
Here is the 2025 Request for Proposals.
Examples of past projects:
- Education and outreach regarding pet behavior on Casco Bay islands
- A festival and boat tours showcasing aquaculture conservation and the marine economy
- “Storywalks” and associated curriculum on public trails
- Outdoor family learning stations on land trust properties
- Community education around sea level rise impacts on private roads