


Casco Bay Estuary Partnership (CBEP) is engaged in on-going efforts to collect water quality monitoring information for Casco Bay. In 2016, CBEP created a Casco Bay Monitoring Network to identify shared monitoring priorities among the growing number of entities who are monitoring the waters within Casco Bay and its watershed. The Monitoring Network acts as the stewards of monitoring in the Bay and ensures that monitoring is adaptive to changing circumstances. 

In 2016-2017, 14 organizations provided water monitoring information for each of their programs and the parameters collected within Casco Bay. The information is available in kmz format for Google Earth and as shape files for ArcMap.

Click here for Table 1, which provides summary information on 31 monitoring programs and whether they are collecting information in the following parameter groupings: biota, nutrients, sediments, tidal wetlands, toxics, and water quality.

Click here for a map of monitoring locations by organization in Casco Bay in 2017.

Click here for kmz files (zipped) which you can add to Google Earth on your own computer to see details of the 2017 Casco Bay monitoring programs and parameters collected.

Click here for a list of the parameters included in each kmz parameter grouping.

Click here for a color code key to programs in the kmz files.

Click here for shape files (zipped) which you can add to ArcMap on your own computer to access all the details of the 2017 Casco Bay monitoring programs and parameters collected.

Organizations conducting monitoring in the fresh and marine waters of Casco Bay and its watershed present their findings from the past monitoring season at the spring meeting of the Monitoring Network.


The Casco Bay Monitoring Plan

The Casco Bay Monitoring Plan, approved in 2020, guides monitoring efforts in Casco Bay and the watershed and is available here.

Casco Bay Estuary Partnership, Sentinel Monitoring, is available  here.

Downeast Institute, Clam Monitoring, is available here.

Friends of Casco Bay, Water Quality, is available here.

Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Monitoring Activities, is available here.

Lakes Environmental Association, Lakes Monitoring, is available here.

Lake Stewards of Maine, Volunteer Lake Monitoring, is available here.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Eelgrass Monitoring, is available here.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Maine Healthy Beaches, 2022 monitoring efforts, is available here.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Surface Water Ambient Toxics, is available here.

Maine Department of Marine Resources, Monitoring Programs, is available here.

Manomet, Green Crab Survey, is available here.

Portland Water District, Combined Sewer Overflow Monitoring, is available here.

Portland Water District, Sebago Lake Monitoring, is available here.

Presumpscot Regional Land Trust, Presumpscot Watershed Monitoring, is available here.

Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, The Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative, is available here.

Downeast Institute, Clam Monitoring, is available here.

Friends of Casco Bay, Water Quality, is available here.

Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Monitoring Activities, is available here.

Lakes Environmental Association, Lakes Monitoring, is available here.

Lake Stewards of Maine, Volunteer Lake Monitoring, is available here.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Maine Healthy Beaches, 2021 monitoring efforts, is available here.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Surface Water Ambient Toxics, is available here.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Water Quality and Eelgrass, is available here.

Maine Department of Marine Resources, Maine Coastal Program, Mapping Initiative, is available here.

Maine Department of Marine Resources, Monitoring Programs, is available here.

Manomet, Green Crab Survey, is available here.

Portland Water District, Combined Sewer Overflow Monitoring, is available here.

Portland Water District, Sebago Lake Monitoring, is available here.

Presumpscot Regional Land Trust, Presumpscot Watershed Monitoring, is available here.

U.S. EPA University of New Hampshire, Ocean and Coastal Acidification Monitoring, is available here.

Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, The Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative, is available here.

Casco Bay Estuary Partnership, Monitoring Overview, is available here.

Friends of Casco Bay, Water Quality, is available here.

Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Monitoring Activities, is available here.

Lakes Environmental Association, Lakes Monitoring, is available here.

Long Creek Watershed Management District, Long Creek Monitoring, is available here.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Maine Healthy Beaches, 2020 water quality updates, is available here.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Water Quality and Eelgrass, is available here.

Maine Department of Marine Resources, Maine Coastal Program, Mapping Initiative, is available here.

Maine Department of Marine Resources, Monitoring Programs, is available here.

Portland Water District, Sebago Lake Monitoring, is available here.

Presumpscot Regional Land Trust, Presumpscot Watershed Monitoring, is available here.

Quahog Bay Conservancy, Water Quality Monitoring, is available here.

University of New Hampshire, Ocean and Coastal Acidification Monitoring, is available here.

Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, The Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative, is available here.

Casco Bay Estuary Partnership, Habitats-Salt Marsh, is available here.

Casco Bay Estuary Partnership, High frequency nitrogen monitoring with Green Eyes “NuLab,” is available here.

Friends of Casco Bay, Monitoring 2019, is available here.

Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Monitoring activities 2019/2020, is available here.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Maine Healthy Beaches, 2019 water quality updates, is available here.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, 2019-2020 Water quality and eelgrass survey updates, is available here.

Maine Department of Marine Resources, Maine Coastal Program, Mapping initiative, is available here.

Maine Department of Marine Resources, Monitoring programs, is available here.

University of New Hampshire, 2019 SMCC OA monitoring: UNH, CBEP, EPA, is available here.

Casco Bay Estuary Partnership, Monitoring tidal restoration outcomes Long Marsh, Harpswell, 2013-2018, is available here.

Friends of Casco Bay, Monitoring 2018, is available here.

Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Casco Bay Aquatic System Survey (CBASS), is available here.

Island Institute, Can growing kelp remediate ocean acidification and improve growing conditions for farmed mussels?, is available here.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, 2018 Water quality and eelgrass survey updates, is available here.

Maine Department of Marine Resources, Casco Bay monitoring efforts 2018, is available here.

Maine Department of Marine Resources, Maine Coastal Program mapping initiative, is available here.

Portland Water District, Annual “Nutrient Optimization” progress report, is available here.

University of New Hampshire, 2018 Casco Bay/SMCC OA monitoring: UNH, CBEP, EPA, is available here.

Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, The Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative: MIMIC, is available here.