CBEP Awards Grants to Build Resilience in the Casco Bay Watershed
CBEP is pleased to announce grants totaling $112,726 have been awarded to seven communities and nonprofit organizations. Funding for these projects is provided by CBEP through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Read the full story.
CBEP seeks designers for brand “refresh”
CBEP invites proposals from experienced branding/design agencies to help us complete a brand “refresh. The Request for Proposals (RFP) can be found here. The deadline for submission of proposals is 5:00 p.m. on August 16, 2024.
CBEP New Resilience & Monitoring Grant Programs
Casco Bay Estuary Partnership (CBEP) would like to announce three new pilot grant programs: Resilient Communities, Resilient Habitats, and Monitoring Infrastructure. For more information and all of the program materials, please visit the Grant Opportunities page of our website.
2024 Casco Bay Community Grant Awards Announced
The Community Grants Program supports new partnerships and innovative projects that engage communities with Casco Bay and its watershed. CBEP awarded nearly $34,000 to ten recipients, for projects around the Casco Bay Watershed. Read the release here.
CBEP is Hiring!
CBEP is hiring a full-time Program Coordinator. For more information and how to apply, check the USM Jobs Page. Here is the complete job description.
Community Grants Program Deadline Extended!
CBEP is extending the application period for the 2024 Casco Bay Community Grants Program. The New deadline is Monday, February 19, 5:00pm. All of the materials can be found here.
2024 CBEP Management and Executive Committee Meetings
CBEP has set its 2024 meeting schedule. If you would like to attend a Management Committee meeting, please contact us at cbep@maine.edu to receive an agenda and location for the meeting. Please see the full list of meetings here.
Registration open for Casco Bay Coastal Academy
The next Casco Bay Coastal Academy workshop is on 1/18/24, Noon – 1:00pm. The topic is Climate Change and Drinking Water: Challenges & Opportunities for Private Wells and Small Water Systems in the Coastal Zone. FMI and to register, go to this page.
CBEP Equity Strategy Available
The Casco Bay Estuary Partnership Equity Strategy is available for download. The purpose of the equity strategy is to ensure that CBEP is reviewing potential projects that use Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funds through the lens of equitable and fair access to the benefits from environmental programs for all communities. This equity strategy outlines how